Alix Baragiotta was born on Monday, November 24th at 4:49 pm, at a birthing center near Montreal, Quebec to happy parents Amélie Laberge and Davin Baragiotta. His birth went smoothly in a hot tub with the help of a midwife. Since his very first moments, Alix has been a very peaceful and cheerful baby, bringing us incredible joy. The whole family is doing extremely well!
Matan Solomon Sternreich was born on December 1st to parents Michelle Stern and Zeke Reich in Washington, DC. Matan was 7lb 2oz, 18″ at birth. Mom and baby are healthy, everyone is resting, and the little one now shares a birthday with his older sibling Myla. Matan, or “gift” in Hebrew, is named in part for his maternal great-grandfather, as well as honoring the wisdom of the visionary spiritual teacher Reb Zalman Schacter-Shalomi.~~
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